An Open Letter To God.
Dear God,
When I was 5 years old my parents took me to a conference in Pune,
where a God man or a Yoga Guru as you wish to call him was interacting with the
earthly creatures and answering their incessant questions on the mysteries of life,
death and the human race. After all I was just a 5 years old kid and all this
didn't make much sense to me and boredom took over, so after pestering my
mother to take me out of the air conditioned hall packed with molecules of
celestial energy I gave up and fell asleep on my mother's lap. Later when the
conference was over, my parents and I got an opportunity to confront the Guru
back stage and I asked him “Where is God?" He smiled at me as though
mocking my curiosity. "God is everywhere. In you and me."(I’m not
sure whether those where his exact words) he said in his deep charismatic
voice. This is my first ever memory of you, dear God. I don't know what
made the five years old me ask that, though I didn't have the mental faculty
back then to comprehend his answer.
While growing up I have had various instances when my grandma used
to narrate the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Slowly my idea of God changed
from being a mysterious supernatural being to a Hindu deity who would help me
score good grades only if I offered him coconuts and went to the temple every
day. When few of my classmates prayed to Jesus and Allah, I realized that there
is more to this. I remember asking my grandpa when I was 7 that “How do all these
religions co- exist in one country?” He
replied that India is a secular country and we respect our Muslim and Christian
Later in my early teens when I started studying
about India’s history in school, I realized that this country has been divided
beyond repair by religion. All religion professes peace, faith and appreciates good
deeds. So it is only logical that all religions can co-exist under one roof of
secularism. But that is not the case in India. Difference of opinions in the
name of God has divided this country. Religion has been the reason for death of
so many innocent souls. Isn't it hypocritical that the religion that preaches
love but leads to hatred towards people of other religion? I think we must ask
ourselves whether the fault lies in the way we perceive religion or in the very
fundamental ideology of religion itself. Religion to people is identity, belief and
faith. They believe that faith in God gives them purpose in life and solves all
their problems. They’re so blinded by this faith that religion propagates
that they start believe that their religion is superior.
Religious fanatics and
fundamentalism is dangerous, it is an evil to humanity. There are so many
unresolved issues regarding religion in this country. Superficially we claim to
be secular, but how many of us think of Muslims, Hindus and Christians as
humans first and then associate them with their religion. Who are these Hindus?
Are they the people who wear saffron, go to temples and hate Muslims? Who are
these Christians? Are they the people who celebrate Christmas, grant sainthood
and lead mass conversions in India? Who are these Muslims? Are they terrorists,
do they hate the rest of the world? Religion is a concept that man has created.
It has manifested into such powerful levels that now it can destroy humanity. Taslima
Nasrin in her book Lajja says, “It is said that peace is the basic tenet of all
religion. Yet it is in the name of religion that there has been so much
disturbance, bloodshed and persecution. It is indeed a pity that even at the
close of the twentieth century we've had to witness such atrocities because of
religion. Flying the flag of religion has always proved the easiest way to
crush to nothingness human beings as well as the spirit of humanity.”
26/11, 9/11, Godhra riots, Babri Masjid
demolition, Indian Partition and the recent Peshwar attacks are all instances
of religion destroying humanity beyond measures. Religion was supposed to be a
facilitator, a propagator of faith. Since when did religion become larger than
humanity? Are we responsible to have bred this evil?
God, weren’t you the supernatural being? The
being, that was larger than life. The energy that created the whole humanity.
The protector, creator and destructor all bind into one powerful force. If you’re
out there, if you’re real would you let religion destroy human beings? Would
you let religion kill 132 innocent school children in Peshwar? Would you tell people that you’re much larger
than religion? Humanity is heading towards a path of self-destruction, all of
this in your name. When will they understand that you’re all about love, peace
and harmony? When will humanity shed the evil cape of religion and respect
another human being for being a person rather than look at them as Hindus,
Muslims and Christians. When will we all unite under the name of humanity and
save ourselves from the horrifying future that awaits us if we continue to let
religion divide us like this? When will people understand that religion is a
shallow and superficial concept? Faith and belief goes beyond religion. If we
truly believe in something, it is for everybody’s well being and never for
anybody’s misery. Down the line, religion has lost its essence and it hides
behind your name. All religious acts are rationalized in the name of God. Doesn’t
matter how many people die or lose hope in the process.
I am just a concerned human being writing to
you. Horrifying things that happen in the name of religion that I see and hear around
me have compelled me to write to you. Today it was those innocent school kids
and tomorrow I could be my siblings. This is slowly going to destroy all of us
and it won’t discriminate between Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Humanity is
in need of some serious help and I write to you so maybe you could look into
the fact that religion is bad mouthing you. We need believers in this world. We
need saviors and protectors. We need brothers who don’t discriminate. If
religion destroys us, then we must annihilate it.
Yours faithfully,
Just Another Concerned Human Being.
Wah.. bold. But strong! Great piece.